[1 CPE] How to Build a High Confidence Cyber Recovery Plan

  Presented by Bharath Nagaraj, Sr Technical Field Director  • Cohesity

In an era where data is both a prime asset and a target, the global cybercrime cost is expected to soar to $10.5 trillion USD by 2025, with ransomware attacks becoming more frequent. Despite this, 80% of organizations doubt their cyber resilience strategies. The importance of being prepared for “black swan” cyber events, which exploit new vulnerabilities and can cause overwhelming damage, is highlighted. Cohesity emphasizes the role of Generative AI in bolstering a company’s security by automating threat detection, ensuring compliance, and promoting collaboration across departments. This approach not only mitigates risks but also aligns with strategic IT resilience planning. In an upcoming discussion led by Cohesity’s Senior Technical Field Director, Bharath Nagaraj, insights into overcoming large organizational challenges, effective response strategies, stakeholder roles, and steps for integrating cyber resilience into IT strategies will be explored, aiming to instill confidence in recovery without succumbing to ransoms.

[1 CPE] Securing the Future: Cyber Insurance and Cybersecurity Strategies for 2024

  Presented by Andrew Livingston, Cyber Security Specialist • Sentinel Technologies

In the dynamic and interconnected digital era of 2024, the landscape of cyber threats continuously evolves, posing unprecedented challenges to businesses worldwide. “Securing the Future: Cyber Insurance and Cybersecurity Strategies for 2024” delves into the intricacies of cyber insurance as a pivotal component of modern business risk management. This presentation offers a thorough exploration of the latest trends in cyber threats that businesses face, such as sophisticated AI-driven attacks, the proliferation of ransomware, and the vulnerabilities introduced by emerging technologies. It highlights the critical challenges that could lead to the denial of cyber insurance claims and potential loss of coverage, emphasizing the importance of compliance, accurate representation of cybersecurity measures, and prompt incident reporting.

Furthermore, the presentation shifts focus towards proactive strategies for enhancing an organization’s cybersecurity posture. It outlines actionable tips for businesses to not only fortify their defenses against cyber threats but also to positively influence their cyber insurance rates. Through a blend of expert insights and practical guidance, the audience will learn about the significance of regular risk assessments, the adoption of multi-factor authentication, encryption, endpoint security, and the development of robust incident response plans. We’ll discuss:

  • Insights into the evolving cyber threat landscape in 2024.
  • Common pitfalls leading to cyber insurance claim denials.
  • Strategies for enhancing cybersecurity measures to favorably impact insurance rates.
  • The future outlook of cyber insurance and the role of emerging technologies.

By the conclusion of this presentation, attendees will be equipped with the knowledge to navigate the complexities of cyber insurance and implement comprehensive cybersecurity strategies. This will not only prepare them to mitigate the risks of cyber threats but also optimize their insurance coverage in the face of an ever-changing digital threat landscape.

[1 CPE] Beyond the Backup: A Look into Resiliency Program Development

  Presented by Jason Tupeck, BCDR Consultant • CompuNet

The presentation “Beyond the Backup: A Look into Resiliency Program Development” delves into the intricacies of building a robust resiliency program beyond traditional backup strategies. It explores the spectrum of disruptive events, from large-scale disasters to smaller, potentially more frequent disruptions, and emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive framework for efficient response and recovery. The talk will cover key areas surrounding the “Four Ps”, offering insights into developing a mature resiliency program, emphasizing the importance of prioritization, planning, preparation, and practice as critical steps to enhancing an organization’s ability to navigate through and recover from various disruptions.

[1 CPE] Modernizing Your DR Strategies Against Ransomware

  Presented by Eddie Huang, Sr Systems Engineer • Quest Software

Scenarios of data loss, including ransomware attacks, can be crippling with the inability to access data, interruption of business operations, and in some cases, significant cost penalties. Creating a Disaster Recovery plan becomes critical to be prepared for unforeseen risks.

But where do you begin? Join us to better understand the importance of starting from the beginning and ensuring all stakeholders are involved and armed with a solid understanding of Data Protection before problems such as malicious attacks and general system failures impact an organization.

We’ll focus on:

  • Best practices to adhere to when creating a DR plan with “recovery” as the focus.
  • The importance of viewing Data Protection from this perspective is to better understand what it means to “protect the backup.”

[1 CPE] The SMB’s Playbook for Cybersecurity in 2024

  Presented by BlackPoint IT Services

The SMB’s Playbook for Cybersecurity in 2024 speaking session offers a concise yet comprehensive overview of the cybersecurity landscape tailored for small and medium-sized businesses. This presentation traverses the evolution of digital threats, providing insights into past trends and current challenges while forecasting future risks. It emphasizes practical strategies for proactive defense and effective incident response. Attendees will learn about the latest advancements in cybersecurity, gain knowledge on managing cyber incidents, and understand the importance of building a cybersecurity-aware culture. This session is vital for SMBs seeking to enhance their digital resilience against the backdrop of an ever-evolving cyber threat environment.


Andrew Hutchison, Director of Service Delivery at BlackPoint IT Services

Sean Banahan, Director of US Channel Sales at WatchGuard

[1 CPE] How to Prepare and Respond to Data-Oriented Cyberattacks in Realtime

  Presented by Jonathan Halstuch, Co-Founder and CTO • RackTop Systems with SD3IT

Today’s cyber threats call for a new approach to data security, placing protections closer to the data. In this session, you’ll develop an understanding of why advanced cyber storage solutions are critical for defending production data from theft and destructive cyberattacks like ransomware. Learn strategies for reducing your organization’s threat window with a data-centric zero-trust architecture and artificial intelligence. Improve security and cyber hygiene while embracing the CISA Zero Trust Maturity Model to ensure your organization’s data is defended during each of the three phases of an attack.

Key takeaways:

  • Stay ahead of insider threats, data theft, ransomware, and extortionware with active defense
  • Improve security and cyber hygiene by aligning with the CISA Zero Trust Maturity Model
  • How to involve stakeholders in a data-centric approach to security

[1 CPE] Adding VX to Your LAN: A Primer on Overlay Networks

  Presented by CompuNet

As network infrastructure evolves, overlay networks are gaining popularity due to their ability to enhance network availability, security, and flexibility. Our presentation will offer a comprehensive overview of overlay network protocols and architectures, along with their role in enterprise networks. Join us to discover how overlay networks can benefit your organization and learn more about their implementation and management.

[1 CPE] Cybersecurity Trends for 2023

  Presented by Jeff Simpson, Sr Sales Executive, Cybersecurity Solutions • AT&T Alaska

With Cybersecurity compliance mandates increasing, and attacks on vulnerable supply chains and endpoints on the rise, it has never been more important to assess and take proactive measures to secure your network. This presentation pulls together information from many different analysts and digests their views on which Cybersecurity priorities your organization may face this year, along with the top eight cybersecurity trends for 2023, such as Supply Chain Resilience, Security Architecture Modernization and Data-Centric Transformation.

[1 CPE] Dark Web Monitoring: It’s time for an Offensive Strategy!

  Presented by Jeff Simpson, Sr Sales Executive, Cybersecurity Solutions • AT&T Alaska

Many organizations discover a cybersecurity breach many months later, too late for any substantial mitigation. With the average cost of breaches in the US at $9.4M, (without including ransom paid), it is advisable for organizations to take a more offensive stance. What if there was a way to detect compromised corporate credentials well before they were used to cause widespread fraud? Dark Web Monitoring goes where cybercriminals traffic stolen emails, usernames, and passwords, and can alert an organization if personal or corporate user information shows up in the Darknet layers. Learn how using a tool like this can help protect an organization’s employees, consumers, and vendors, as well as its reputation.

[1 CPE] Zero-Trust Architectures

  Presented by Rubrik

Organizations have invested heavily in IT security, attempting to fortify their perimeter, network, endpoint, and application protections. Despite these investments, hackers are successfully penetrating these defenses and targeting enterprise data, including backup data. Ransomware is starting to specifically target online backups by encrypting or deleting them. If your organization was the target of an attack today, how do you know what data was impacted and where? Manually sifting through millions of files and comparing each snapshot consumes FTE time and prolongs recovery exponentially. Mass restores of the entire environment could mean high data loss and weeks’ worth of work down the drain. In this session, we will discuss how to protect your last line of defense, the backups. We will walk through the anatomy of a recovery, the best practices, and advanced tools to ensure you will not have to pay a ransom, and how to quickly recover your data to continue business operations.